Personal Injury

If you or someone you know has been hurt or injured, you must pay attention to this critical alert. Even minor accidents can cause serious injury. It can often take weeks or months for pain from an auto accident to appear. Insurance companies know this and allow you two years to file an injury claim. Therefore, it is important to be checked to determine the extent of your injuries. It is your health and it is your right.

OK, in the next few minutes I will be revealing to you what frequently goes on behind the scenes that keeps honest people who have experienced pain as a result of their automobile accident from getting the care, and quite possibly the reasonable cash settlements they deserve.

It is important to choose the right doctor who will properly evaluate, diagnose, and document your injuries to ensure that your rights are protected.

So if you have been in a car or other accident recently, no matter how big or small or if you are in pain but haven't been checked out by a qualified doctor yet, or if you need a second opinion, call Merritt Chiropractic Center today; over 40 years’ experience diagnosing, documenting, treating spinal injuries, as well as traumatic brain injuries, and court testimony.

Things like:

  1. How even fender benders can cause future pain, headaches, even arthritis, and why most doctors don’t always detect these hidden soft tissue injuries, which by the way can be more painful than broken bones.

  2. Why going to the wrong doctor can be a mistake. Not every doctor is familiar with how to properly evaluate car accident injuries, or has the report writing skills and ability to properly explain your injuries to your insurance company and or attorney. Not getting proper treatment can make your condition worse and possibly jeopardize any claim you may have leaving you feeling hopeless in pain and forgotten about.

  3. How you can get your injury evaluated immediately so that your insurance company has the information needed to fully document and recognize the significance of your injuries.

Rear end collisions are the most common type of car accident.

Often causing the victim's head to move forcefully forward and forcefully back, creating symptoms like headaches, dizziness, Vertigo, sore muscles, neck pain and stiffness, shoulder pain, and mid and lower back pain. So if you have been in an accident and are experiencing any of these symptoms, this message is for you.

Although you may think your injury is minor, your symptoms may be only the tip of the iceberg masking underlying problems that can create permanent damage and disability.  So, if you've been injured, you should call the Merritt Chiropractic Center today. Not only does the office focus on these types of injuries, but they will be there to help you return to enjoying life.

Although your car may have only incurred minor damage, you still may have suffered injuries. Automobiles are designed to absorb the force of impact in a crash. Mistakenly, many people believe if a crash occurs and only minor damage is done to car they could not possibly have received an injury. However, countless times this is simply not the case. If you are involved in an auto crash and the car doesn’t absorb the force of impact; guess who does? The occupants are absorbing the force of impact. Due to tension and stress during and right after a crash, occupants are often unaware of any injuries for days, weeks, months and even years.

Pain is a warning signal. Often after an auto crash one may feel pain, but hope the pain will go away in a few days. Or worse yet, what if you don’t get the signal at all, or the pain does go away for a couple of months and then comes back as a totally different set of symptoms? Your spine is the body’s fuse box and spinal injuries can affect many areas of your body.

Don't you think it would be a good idea to get your condition checked out as soon as you can, especially since you can be evaluated at no charge with absolutely no obligation.

Insurance companies have doctors and attorneys on their side, and you need your own doctor to evaluate and care for your condition. If you're in pain now, you need a qualified doctor whose main interest is to determine the extent of your injuries, arrive at the proper diagnosis, and get you on the road to recovery.

Your health is your most important asset and injuries require a doctor professionally trained in treating and documenting trauma. Please pick up the phone and call us now. Call today and schedule your FREE injury evaluation.  For a limited time Merritt Chiropractic Center invites you to come in for a FREE spinal exam a $279.00 value. We will complete a thorough case history and review you exam findings at no charge or obligation.

What do you have to lose but your pain!  Call Today!  (334) 446-3101

Most insurance plans accepted.


Merritt Chiropractic Center
1001 Tate Drive
Dothan, AL 36301


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Additional charges may be incurred for related services which may be required in individual cases.

Merritt Chiropractic Center
Address: 1001 Tate Drive, Dothan, AL 36301
Copyright © 2021 Merritt Chiropractic Center